Maya SantangeloPhoto by Danny Copeland

At 14 years old, Maya Santagelo was introduced to the underwater world. From a young age, she knew this was a path she wanted to pursue, but it took learning about The Rolex Scholarship for her to realise that she could pursue this dream to make a positive difference in the world.

Deservedly, Maya was awarded the 2016 Australasian Rolex Scholarship and looking back on her year, Maya can safely say it changed her life.

Watch the full video to get an understanding of the different experiences Maya took part in during her time as a scholar and how it has truly shaped her future.

“People will only protect what they care about, and they’ll only care about what they understand,” – Maya Santangelo, 2016 Australasian Rolex Scholar.


Maya Santangelo
Photo by Mitch Patterson

Maya Santangelo
Photo by Julia Sumerling